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1428 Northwest 59th Street
Seattle, WA, 98107
United States



Meet Kora: Our #1 Taste Tester

Kari Kalway

As a Siberian Husky, she is expected to have her own opinion on just about anything and she is known to be picky when it comes to the type of treat she wants at the moment. There are so many things to do and see in the world so she is not always treat motivated, or is only motivated by a certain treat at times, she plays a large role in choosing the treats that we want to offer to our customers. 

With Kora, we have decided to follow a "nothing in life is free" model, which, in a nutshell, means that she has to do something before she gets rewarded. She knows to sit before we go out the door. She knows if she sits ad gives me her attention, she might get to go over to that awesome spot over there and sniff whatever is so fascinating. And she knows that if she does what we request - sit, shake, high five, spin, lie down, speak, etc. - she may get one of many delicious treats that we keep for her. While she is known to be picky, she may also get very excited when the treat in our hand is her favorite and she will start to do as many tricks as she can think of to get our attention... and the treat.

Kora at Gas Works Park